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HIIT Workout Write for Us

HIIT Workout Write for Us – High-intensity interval training, or HIIT, sounds pretty intimidating. But HIIT workouts are for everyone — and they’re perfect for those who are a little older or exercise with a body type that isn’t quite right.

See HIIT as more of a broad concept than a rigorous fitness activity that pushes the intensity level off the charts, says exercise physiologist Katie Lawton, MD. It’s a way to exercise, not a specific regimen.

“What is ‘high intensity’ is relative,” she explains. “You can set the bar where it works for you.”

So here’s how you can do HIIT to build a more muscular, healthier body:

What is HIIT?

The game plan with HIIT is to blend short, repetitive bursts of high-intensity aerobic exercise into your workout. (Note that it is “higher,” not “high.”)

“The focus is on varying the level of intensity during your workout.”  “That can mean going from low to moderate intensity or medium to high and then winding down again before picking up the pace again.”

But if you’re aiming for high intensity, this will be a level of effort where you can only speak a few words at a time. (Basically, expect to huff and puff.)

For a more specific workout, high-intensity exercise usually means increasing your heart rate to more than 70% of your maximum heart rate. The basic formula for calculating your maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age. (Learn more about heart rate zones during exercise.)

Other formulas also exist and may be helpful for better goal setting. Lawton suggests the Karvoven method, or calculating heart rate reserve, which also uses your resting heart rate to determine a maximum heart rate number.

How to do a HIIT Workout

Think of it as a series of mini-challenges. Essentially, you push harder for a short time (20 seconds to a few minutes) before slowing down for an equal or slightly longer active recovery period.

Repeat this process back and forth throughout the exercise. A beneficial HIIT session can last 10 minutes, plus time to warm up and cool down. Twenty to 30 minutes is typical. HIIT workouts rarely last more than an hour.

Lawton says aerobic exercise — the type of activity that can get your heart rate up quickly — pairs well with a HIIT session. Possible activities include:

  • Running, whether outdoors or on a treadmill.
  • Brisk walk anywhere that suits you.
  • Riding a bicycle or stationary bike.
  • Climb the stairs on a stepper machine or in your home.
  • Rowing on a machine or stream.

Gymnastic and body weight exercises include lunges, jumps, jump squats, and calisthenics.

How often you do HIIT depends on your exercise intensity level, but two to three days a week is a good goal.

HIIT Benefits

HIIT means being physically active—a sweaty state that very few people reach regularly. Research shows that only 28% of Americans adhere to weekly exercise guidelines.

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, adults should aim to accomplish 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous activity each week.

HIIT can help you achieve this goal and stay healthy. (Quick fact: Nearly half of the adult population in America suffers from preventable chronic disease—and 7 out of the ten most common chronic diseases can be “positively affected” by regular exercise. Pretty obvious connection, right?)

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100 HIIT Workouts
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HIIT: HIIT Revolution
Effective High Intensity Interval Training Workouts, Exercises, and Routines
HIIT Workouts [HIIT, HIIT Training, High Intensity]
PowerMax Fitness JP-2 Skipping Rope for Unisex Adults
Tangle-free Jumping Rope
Adjustable Rope Length for Training
Exercise, Weight Loss, Crossfit, Boxing and HIIT Workouts
The HIIT Workout
The High-Intensity Way to Burn Fat and Build Muscle
Allenamenti a corpo libero (Italian Edition)
PowerMax Fitness JP-2 Skipping Rope for Unisex Adults
Tangle free Jumping Rope
Adjustable Rope length for Training, Exercise, Weight Loss, Crossfit
Boxing and HIIT Workouts (Colour – Orange)
HIIT: High Intensity Interval Training
The Fastest Way to Get Ripped and Maximize Your Workout
HIIT Training
High Intensity Interval Training, HIIT Exercises

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